
Mitch Healed of Cancer

My journey of life changing events began in 2009. I was a healthy, athletic 25 year old. I had never had any serious illnesses, just broken bones and a few close calls. It started about April of 2009 when I started feeling bad. The closest thing I can describe the...

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Stacy (Mike's dental hygienist) & her husband had been trying to have a baby for two years. They already had two children, but she could not get pregnant again. Mike had Cindy pray "The Pelvic Thing" (Hunter technique) with Stacey --- yes... right there in the dentist...

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(Living Word Church, Junction City) 
During the Healing & Miracle School, Makayla (8), asked for prayer for her thumb. She explained to Cindy that she broke it when she was 2 years old and the bones never grew back correctly and it caused her thumb to lock up. What a...

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Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis Healed

My daughter's name is Audra Reid, she is 13 yrs. old. For as far back as she could remember she had stiffness & pain after she would get up from sitting for long periods of time or from playing on the floor. When she was 10 yrs. old the doctors diagnosed her with...

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No cancer found in my body!!!

July 2012 My doctor said I had a spot on my lung (They said that it was cancer.) It was discovered by a cat scan while I was in the hospital with Sepsis. I was still feeling the after effects of the Sepsis when, after Carolyn Starner's service, several gathered around...

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My Name Is Jeannette Evans; And, I’m A Cancer Survivor

After my first exploratory surgery on October 19,2006, my doctor sent my biopsy to three different places in order to be absolutely sure of the diagnosis and tentative prognosis. Then he placed a call to me to say that I did in fact have thyroid cancer. Those of you...

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Huge tumor Gone!!!

November 2010 Kathryn is a Healing and Miracle School Graduate from Newark, OH Yes… God still heals today! At the very beginning of the “Cottage” School Cindy and a couple of the team members began praying over me after the class was over. Cindy received a word of...

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Fused disc became “unfused” by the Power of God…

October 2009 To explain the events of October, 2009 I must first go back to the evening of December 5, 2001. While traveling west on Interstate 70, my car was hit by a drunk driver going the wrong way on the Interstate. Although things could have ended much worse that...

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(River Valley Life Center, Lancaster, OH) 
In the fall of 2009 I was having problems with retaining my memory. My doctor sent me to have an MRI. The test showed I had a brain stem tumor. I then went to a surgeon who ordered another MRI. On December 23rd the surgeon...

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A Buzz in Barnesville, OH…

Severe Scoliosis Healed by the power of God February 2010 Lancaster, OH After the Sunday morning church service at “The River” Pastor Paula asked Cindy Teagarden and a couple of other ladies to help her pray with a couple of ladies. Paula said, “this is Shannon (26...

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Breath of God

We were at “The River” our church, praying on a Wednesday morning when Cindy received an urgent phone call from one of the ladies from our healing team regarding her father. The doctors had moved him from a regular room into ICU; the staff had called Mindy that...

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Cataracts Gone!!!

I was scheduled for Cataract surgery. I had cataracts on both of my eyes. Libby and Christine from DeepWater Ministries prayed for my eyes and my cataracts are now gone and no surgery is needed!!! Thank You, Jesus! - Jean (April 2013)

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Arthritis & Scoliosis

Toni’s back and neck was miraculously healed; she was in chronic back pain for years. She also had two cysts on her back – one upper and one lower! The doctors were injecting shots into her neck. She was crying over and over again, “I haven’t been able to do this...

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Deaf ear opened!

I was recovering from a cold when I felt major pain in my right ear. My ears popped in and out throughout the night, but when I woke up Saturday the pain was intense and my hearing was completely gone. I immediately went to Urgent Care where the doctor looked in my...

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My Testimony: Phil Gastaldo

In December of 2014 we received word that our oldest granddaughter, Maggie Beth, was diagnosed with a type of blood cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndrome or MDS for short. Maggie went to be with Jesus on Labor Day of 2015. We knew Maggie was in Heaven but, needless...

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