July 8, 2012
Kristen came over early before the Teagarden’s home group started. She came in and flopped down on the couch; making herself comfortable. Mike & Cindy were just going over their teaching notes for home group while visiting with Kristen. We had some pillows on the couch and one of them was under her head. When she started to get up from the couch she realized that her large rhinestone hoop earring was attached to the pillow. She said, “Ouch my ear is hurting!!!” She went into the bathroom to check on her ear and came out to tell Cindy that she couldn’t get the earring out of her ear. Cindy looked at it, noticing that the large rhinestone hoop earring was lodged into the earring hole of her ear lobe. Cindy tried to move it a little, and she gave it several tugs when realizing that it was stuck!!! Several of us tried gently pulling on it, we tried moving it back and forth, up and down, we even put ice on the ear lobe to try and numb it so it wouldn’t hurt so badly. We noticed that two of the rhinestones were embedded in the earring hole. When we attempted to pull it out we noticed that the skin came with the earring. After about 40 minutes of effort and a little bit of prayer Cindy decided to take Kristen to Urgent Care. Kristen is bucking Cindy every step of the way not wanting to go. It seemed like she was going to have to have it surgically removed and she became a little fearful of this thought and Cindy was dreading even the thought of it herself! Cindy and Kristen got in the vehicle to drive towards Urgent Care when Cindy was filled with compassion and began praying out loud, going into high praise, talking about His goodness & mercy, shouting & declaring His name “Jesus!!!” Saying He is “The Great I AM!!!” We acknowledged You as Lord!!! We acknowledge you as our redeemer and deliver!!! Cindy began warring, giving God glory, instructing the angels of the Lord to come and to minister to Kristen. Cindy said, “If you can make a demon come out of some person and deliver them, You certainly can deliver an earring out of an ear lobe! As Cindy was doing this for about 10 minutes Kristen was worshipping God. She had this awesome cd turned up loud singing about the fire, wind and the oil coming down. She had her head down, hands faced up towards the heavens with this most peaceful countenance on her face. The car began filling with the glory of God as we acknowledged Him. It was as if we were in a glory cloud. Cindy could hardly drive. As we were turning towards Canal Winchester, OH, Kristen reached up and the earring came right out in her hand!!! She began laughing out loud, looking toward heaven with the large rhinestone earring in her hand, holding it up so I could see it and acknowledging God and all of His goodness, giving Him all of the glory and praise and honor for what He had done! I slammed on the brakes screaming, “WHAT?”…that’s the earring? WHAT? Screaming He did it!!! He is so good! Oh taste and see that the Lord is good according to Ps 34:8 ~ Becoming so overwhelmed with His goodness I immediately turned into someone’s driveway, throwing the vehicle into park and we began sobbing and sobbing, crying out to Him saying you are so good, thank you Jesus! Cindy hurriedly turned around to head back to our house to tell the others of His goodness and His mercy. Kristen and I worshipped Him and gave Him glory all of the way back home.