by Tina Disbennet
(September 2017)

In May of 2015 I received an abnormal test result from my doctor and was diagnosed with a virus, which is incurable. I continued to go for testing only to get the same result each time. There is really nothing the doctors can do for this particular virus other than keep treating the symptoms that it causes.

Although, my doctors all thought I should do something more invasive to fight it. I just continued praying and kept my faith in God that He would keep me safe because that is all I had at the time, as I did not have insurance and I could not afford any kind of treatment they wanted to do. At times, I would feel like it was never going to go away and that I would never see another normal result again, but then something would say to me not to give up hope.

In August of 2017 I met a friend who introduced me to The River Valley Life Center, Lancaster, OH. He also introduced me to some great people there, some of whom are a part of the prayer and healing team.

Is was there that I learned about the River’s Worldwide Day of Healing which I attended in September of 2017. The DeepWater Ministries prayer team prayed over me that I would be healed of this virus. So I walked out of there believing that would be the case.

In November of 2017 I went back to my doctor for another follow up test and was told this time that the results of the test were normal! Finally, I got a normal test result and am believing that I am healed from the virus that once caused me to feel discouraged, ashamed and bad about myself. I no longer feel that way and I finally have my life back and I owe it all to God and I give Him all of the praise and glory for my healing and of course I also want to thank all of the people who prayed over me. Thank you Jesus!