I was recovering from a cold when I felt major pain in my right ear. My ears popped in and out throughout the night, but when I woke up Saturday the pain was intense and my hearing was completely gone. I immediately went to Urgent Care where the doctor looked in my ear and said I had a ruptured eardrum. He said my ear was badly infected and I would not have my hearing back for 8 weeks. He gave me medicine and I went home.

I quickly realized that losing my hearing effected my life worse than I thought it would. I could not hear my 2 and 3 year old girls. At work, I could not hear at all because the noise in my office overpowered what little hearing I had.

On Wednesday, November 1st, I went to The River Church in Lancaster, OH and asked Cindy to pray for my ear. At that point in time, I could hear very little, maybe 5-10%. Cindy prayed for my ear and immediately I could feel and hear popping. And suddenly.. I could hear again! Praise God! I walked out of the River that evening with 85% of my hearing back! And within a few days I was back to 100% of my hearing! Man said it would take 8 weeks! But God said 1 week!!! The best part is my daughter was at the River that night and at 3 years old, she got to witness a miracle!
