(River Valley Life Center, Lancaster, OH)

In the fall of 2009 I was having problems with retaining my memory. My doctor sent me to have an MRI. The test showed I had a brain stem tumor. I then went to a surgeon who ordered another MRI. On December 23rd the surgeon advised me that the tumor was in a very bad location. She also told me that it was a moderate to high probability that I would die during the surgery. At the end of January I started getting my affairs in order, as I tried to prepare for death. It was in the beginning of February that GOD brought Mike and Cindy and the healing team into my life. They prayed for me and instantly my brain tumor was gone, my memory was restored! I was delivered from severe depression that had owned me my entire life! Up until that day I took 2 anti depressant drugs that I no longer have a need for. I have had 3 surgeries on my lower back and 1 surgery on my neck. I was in constant pain and took 2 different drugs for pain. Praise GOD on that day they prayed for me my spine was healed, NO MORE DRUGS!!! In one moment God healed me of a brain tumor, severe depression and a damaged back! THANK YOU JESUS for not only did you save my soul but you saved my life! I have been set free and I owe it all to JESUS!!! Totally in the joy of the Lord,

Dave Williams